Luther Reigns rumors, news

Luther Reigns news, rumors

  • • Scrapped WWE Plans: Stone Cold Steve Austin’s Protégé That Never Was
    One Big Thing Former WWE star Luther Reigns revealed he was originally slated to be Stone Cold Steve Austin’s on-screen protégé before Austin’s 2002 departure from the company. Why It Matters This revelation offers a glimpse into WWE’s creative direction during the early 2000s and how sudden departures can impact planned storylines and character development. […] T...2025
  • • 20 YRS AGO – WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT (3-10-2005): Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio vs. JBL & Orlando Jordan, plus Angle, Heidenreich, Luther Reigns, Kurt Angle, John Cena
    The following report originally published 20 years ago this week here at… WWE SMACKDOWN MARCH 10, 2005 TAPED TUESDAY IN ROANOKE, VA. -Clips aired of last week’s ruse by JBL and Orlando Jordan. They [...]...2025
    Visit the page Eddie Guerrero news
  • • Kurt Angle Recalls Getting Into Backstage Fight With Eddie Guerrero
    Kurt Angle says he and Eddie Guerrero were like brothers. Angle faced Guerrero a number of times during his career, as they were two of WWE's top stars during the Ruthless Aggression era. In addition to their battles in the ring, they also fought backstage on more than one occasion. Speaking on Insight with Chris Van Vliet, Kurt Angle looked back on getting into a fight with Eddie Guerrero. “Okay,...2025
  • • 20 YRS AGO – WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT (1-13-2005): JBL-Big Show angle, Cena vs. Kenzo Suzuki for U.S. Title, plus Rey, Booker, Luther Reigns, RVD, Angle, more
    The following report originally published 20 years ago this week here at… WWE SMACKDOWN JANUARY 13, 2005 TAPED TUESDAY IN TAMPA, FLA. REPORT BY WADE KELLER, PWTORCH EDITOR -Kurt Angle apologized to Joy backstage, [...]...2025
    See more articles Big Show news today
  • • Mark Jindrak: I'm Inspired To Try And Wrestle Back In The USA Again
    Mark Jindrak feels inspired. Mark Jindrak started his wrestling career in WCW and landed in WWE as part of The Alliance during the Invasion. He was set to be part of Evolution, but Batista got the role instead. Jindrak later teamed up with Garrison Cade, and he went on to team with Luther Reigns as well. WWE released Jindrak in 2005. Since then, he has wrestled in Japan and Mexico, and he has com...2025
  • • 20 YRS AGO – WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT (11-4-2004): Booker T & Josh Matthews vs. Orlando Jordan & JBL, Kurt Angle vs. Dan Puder, Mysterio & RVD vs. Luther Reigns & Jindrak
    The following report originally published 20 years ago this week here at… WWE Smackdown review November 4, 2004 Taped 11/2/04 in St. Louis, Missouri. Aired on UPN Report by Paul Madavi, Torch Team Contributor [...]...2024


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Luther Reigns injury and suspension

  • PPV REVIEW: WWE Judgement Day 2004
    • PPV REVIEW: WWE Judgement Day 2004
      May 16, 2004, Staples Center, Los Angeles, California  Judgment Day 2004 begins with a warning that says there is offensive content. I’m writing this right after the two-hour tour-de-force of misogyny and homophobia that was TNA’s second PPV, so I’m really not all that concerned about how offended I’ll be. Also, this took place on my 20th birthday, and I can’t for the life of...2023
    Click for news about Judgment Day injury


  • 2025
    "It was with Luther Reigns and Mark Jindrak, and we were supposed to get heat on the Guerreros."

  • 2024
    "While most of them were successful, there was one partnership that didn’t work well, as he teamed up with Luther Reigns and Mark Jindrak for a time."

  • 2023
    "On the latest episode of the Kurt Angle Show, WWE Hall Of Famer Kurt Angle revealed why former WWE star Luther Reigns couldn’t go far in the wrestling business."


Luther Reigns trade rumors, contract, salary rumors

  • • Scrapped WWE Plans: Stone Cold Steve Austin’s Protégé That Never Was
    Click for news about Steve Austin contract rumors
  • WWE Summerslam 2004 Review
    • WWE Summerslam 2004 Review
    August 15, 2004,Air Canada Centre, Toronto, Ontario, CanadaBy the time Summerslam 2004 rolled into Canada, it seemed like WWE had completely stopped caring about their fans. After all, it had been three years since the company had bought out its competition and, despite attempts by the likes of TNA and the World Wrestling Allstars to fill the WCW-sized gap in the pro wrestling market, World W...2024
  • WWE Great American Bash 2004 Review
    • WWE Great American Bash 2004 Review
    June 27, 2004,Norfolk Scope, Norfolk, VirginiaTorn between The Great American Bash 2004 and an early 90s WCW show, I’ll admit I was swayed to view this show first by nothing more than the picture of Torrie Wilson on the poster.Of course, that’s probably not the wisest thing upon which to base a decision that requires several hours of commitment, but hey, WWE put Torrie on the poster and it got me ...2024
  • • PPV REVIEW: WWE Judgement Day 2004

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Top Luther Reigns news

  • Kurt Angle Shares Why Faction With Luther Reigns and Mark Jindrak Didn’t Work Out
    • Kurt Angle Shares Why Faction With Luther Reigns and Mark Jindrak Didn’t Work Out
    Throughout his career, Kurt Angle has been in many factions. While most of them were successful, there was one partnership that didn’t work well, as he teamed up with Luther Reigns and Mark Jindrak for a time. During the recent episode of The Kurt Angle Show, the WWE Hall of Famer shared his thoughts on […] The post Kurt Angle Shares Why Faction With Luther Reigns and Mark Jindrak Didn...2024
    See more Kurt Angle
  • • Kurt Angle Explain Why Luther Reigns Didn’t Work Out In WWE
    Kurt Angle gave his thoughts on various topics on the latest episode of his Kurt Angle Show.  During it, the WWE Hall Of Famer talked about the lackluster run that Luther Reigns had in WWE, working with Eddie Guerrero in 2004 and more. Here are the highlights:  On doing comedy with Eddie Guerrero: “Yeah. But […] The post Kurt Angle Explain Why Luther Reigns Didn’t Work Out In WWE...2023
    Read about Kurt Angle
  • • Kurt Angle Says Luther Reigns Was Too Lazy To Be A Big WWE Star
    On the latest episode of the Kurt Angle Show, WWE Hall Of Famer Kurt Angle revealed why former WWE star Luther Reigns couldn’t go far in the wrestling business. Reigns worked for WCW from 1997 through 1999 before performing for WWE from 2003 through 2005. He was introduced as Angle’s on-screen assistant while the latter […] The post Kurt Angle Says Luther Reigns Was Too Lazy To Be A Bi...2023
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  • • Kurt Angle Recalls Getting Into Backstage Fight With Eddie Guerrero
    See also Kurt Angle
  • • Kurt Angle Compares Microphone Skills Of Former WWE Star To The Rock
    Kurt Angle gave his thoughts on various topics on the latest episode of his Kurt Angle Show.  During it, the WWE Hall Of Famer talked about WWEArmageddon 2004. Here are the highlights: On his paring with Luther Reigns and Mark Jindrak:  “I like them a lot. They had, they had stuff to work on. Okay? […] The post Kurt Angle Compares Microphone Skills Of Former WWE Star To The Rock appeared fir...2023
    See more articles Kurt Angle
  • • Mark Jindrak: I'm Inspired To Try And Wrestle Back In The USA Again
    Click for news about Mark Jindrak
  • • Scrapped WWE Plans: Stone Cold Steve Austin’s Protégé That Never Was
    Check it out Steve Austin
  • • WWE Raw in Ontario, Powell’s Q&A audio show, Matt Hardy, Romeo Roselli, Antonio Thomas, Kairi Sane, Nick Gage, Luther Reigns, Americo Rocca, Super Delfin, Bob Sapp, Ricky Morton, Ivelisse Velez, Stanislaus Zbyszko, Ole Anderson, Big Boss Man, Johnny Valentine, Doug Somers, Mike Graham, Jack Brisco
    By Jason Powell, Editor... The post WWE Raw in Ontario, Powell’s Q&A audio show, Matt Hardy, Romeo Roselli, Antonio Thomas, Kairi Sane, Nick Gage, Luther Reigns, Americo Rocca, Super Delfin, Bob Sapp, Ricky Morton, Ivelisse Velez, Stanislaus Zbyszko, Ole Anderson, Big Boss Man, Johnny Valentine, Doug Somers, Mike Graham, Jack Brisco appeared first on Pro Wrestling Dot N...2024
    Click for news about WWE Raw

Wrestling Fame Ranking

  • 1. WWE Raw

  • 2. WWE NXT

  • 3. WWE SmackDown

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  • 1257. Luther Reigns

Luther Reigns schedule, game

  • • WWE Great American Bash 2004 Review
    Click for news about Torrie Wilson

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