Tomi Aoyama rumors, news
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Tomi Aoyama news, rumors
• 70s Joshi on Wednesday: Jackie! Tomi! Kumano! Ikeshita!
53. 1979.09.1X - 02 Jackie Sato & Tomi Aoyama vs. Mami Kumano & Yumi Ikeshita (2/3 Falls)K: Jackie Sato & Tomi Aoyama are as big a superteam you can get on the babyface side right now so this is a big match we’re getting here. I popped right at the start when Mami Kumano tried to whip Jackie Sato into the heel corner only for Jackie to use the momentum to boot Yumi Ikeshita off the apron! Mainly c...2025Continue with Jackie Sato breaking news today
• 70s Joshi on Wednesday: Jackie! Lucy! Tomi! Ikeshita! Masami! Komine!
49. 1979.08.XX3 - 04 Hiroko Komine, Tenjin Masami & Yumi Ikeshita vs. Jackie Sato, Lucy Kayama & Tomi Aoyama (2/3 Falls)K: Top babyface & two buddies vs. top (native) heel and two buddies. Jackie’s team really should have the clear advantage with her having Queen Angels as her partners and Yumi just has two rookies, but that’s not how the match goes. The heels dominate the early goings easily, but...2025Continue with Yumi Ikeshita rumors
• 70s Joshi on Wednesday: Queen Angels! Black Pair!
39. 1979.07.31 - 02 Lucy Kayama & Tomi Aoyama vs. Mami Kumano & Yumi Ikeshita (WWWA Tag Team Titles) (2/3 Falls)K: This to me is the first match in the canon of the Joshi Classics. It’d probably be the weakest of the collection strictly in terms of quality, there’s still a few stylistic creases that they’d yet to iron out, but it’s definitely great and it hits a specific tragic emotional resonance...2024See also Black Pair latest news
• 70s Joshi on Wednesday: Nancy! Tomi! Kumano! Ripper!
37. 1979.07.XX - 03 Mami Kumano & Monster Ripper vs. Nancy Kumi & Tomi Aoyama (2/3 Falls)MD: Almost 40 matches in, I’m wondering if we haven’t questioned the fact that there are so many makeshift teams enough. Obviously the footage is only a small percentage of the matches that were taking place, especially if you believe the numbers they mention on commentary about how many matches wrestlers ...2024Continue with Mami Kumano
• 70s Joshi on Wednesday: Jackie! Lucy! Tomi! Ripper! Kumano! Ikeshita!
34. 1979.06.XX - Jackie Sato, Lucy Kayama & Tomi Aoyama vs. Mami Kumano, Monster Ripper & Yumi IkeshitaK: They made pretty clear at the beginning that this is a prelude match to the double main event on 7/31, but even if they’re naturally not going to go all out here I still think they delivered a pretty good match here. The first fall wasn’t much, both teams brawls around the place without much o...2024See more articles Mami Kumano latest news
• 70s Joshi on Wednesday: Jackie! Nancy! Tomi! Kumano! Petrelli! Ikeshita! JACKIE!
25. 1979.03.XX1 - 02 Jackie Sato, Nancy Kumi & Tomi Aoyama vs. Mami Kumano, Marlene Petrelli & Yumi IkeshitaK: The picture is weirdly blurred on the footage of this one so we can’t see any detail of anyone’s faces on the hardcam shots. It looks like someone’s censored them. Thankfully everyone has fairly distinctive outfits so I never mixed anyone up.This is in front of a pretty lively and excitab...2024Read about Jackie Sato news today
Tomi Aoyama injury and suspension
• 70s Joshi on Wednesday: Queen Angels! Black Pair!
2024Continue with Black Pair injury
• 70s Joshi on Wednesday: Nancy! Tomi! Kumano! Ripper!
2024See also Mami Kumano
• 70's Joshi on Wednesday: Kayama! Aoyama! Kumano! Hackney!
9. 1978.12.17 - Lucy Kayama/Tomi Aoyama vs. Mami Kumano/Sylvia Hackney (2/3 Falls)K: I’ve mentioned her a couple of times prior to this but this our chronological footage debut on Tomi Aoyama. She was also part of that 1st official class of 1977. She was a spectacular athlete in an era where they hadn’t quite worked out how to incorporate her kind of athleticism into pro-wrestling. She’s like a 19...2024See more Lucy Kayama injuries
• 70's Joshi on Wednesday: Kayama! Yokota!
7. 1978.09.XX - 01 Lucy Kayama vs. Rimi Yokota (Probably September)MD: Believe it or not, we’re still in Hawaii. This was definitely a thing. Yokota is a couple more months experienced at this point and she shows quite a bit of confidence and intensity. Kayama has a height advantage, but Yokota deals with that by ambushing her from behind at the bell. After tearing her apart a bit, Yokota started ...2024Continue with Lucy Kayama availability report
- 2025
"Jackie Sato, Lucy Kayama & Tomi Aoyama (2/3 Falls)K: Top babyface & two buddies vs." - 2024
"She is currently one half of the WWWA Tag Team Champions with Tomi Aoyama as ‘Queen Angels’."
Tomi Aoyama stats and results
• 70s Joshi on Wednesday: Nancy! Tomi! Kumano! Ripper!
2024Visit the page Mami Kumano statistics
• 70s Joshi on Wednesday: Ripper! Lucy!
24. 1979.03.XX1 - 01 Lucy Kayama vs. Monster RipperK: This was essentially a squash match, but you don’t get much more effective than this. I’m not sure how much this is due to them making some subtle improvements to Monster Ripper’s formula, Lucy putting in more effort, or the crowd being hotter than usual. Well actually it’s probably a combination of all three. I did particularly enjoy Lucy gett...2024See also Lucy Kayama statistics
• 70s Joshi on Wednesday: Charito! Kumano! Marina! Lucky! Maki! Tomi!
19. 1979.01.XX3 - 01 Charito Silver, Mami Kumano & Marina Figueroa vs. Lucy Kayama, Maki Ueda & Tomi Aoyama ( The first few minutes of this were incredibly one-sided. We had Lucy in the ring for a minute or so and the closest thing she did to displaying any agency was reaching out to tag in Tomi, who then just got beat up by the hee...2024See more Lucy Kayama
Tomi Aoyama parents, kids, wife / husband, girlfriend / boyfriend
• 70s Joshi on Wednesday: Jackie! Tomi! Kumano! Ikeshita!
2025Continue with Jackie Sato
• 70s Joshi on Wednesday: Jackie! Lucy! Tomi! Ikeshita! Masami! Komine!
2025Click for news about Yumi Ikeshita
• 70s Joshi on Wednesday: Queen Angels! Black Pair!
2024Continue with Black Pair
• 70s Joshi on Wednesday: Nancy! Tomi! Kumano! Ripper!
2024See more articles Mami Kumano
• 70s Joshi on Wednesday: Jackie! Lucy! Tomi! Ripper! Kumano! Ikeshita!
2024See more Mami Kumano
• 70s Joshi on Wednesday: Jackie! Nancy! Tomi! Kumano! Petrelli! Ikeshita! JACKIE!
2024Read about Jackie Sato
• 70s Joshi on Wednesday: Charito! Kumano! Marina! Lucky! Maki! Tomi!
2024See more articles Lucy Kayama
• 70s Joshi on Wednesday: Charito! Kumano! Ikeshita! Jackie! Nancy! Tomi!
18. 1979.01.XX2 - 06 Charito Silver/Mami Kumano/Yumi Ikeshita vs. Jackie Sato/Nancy Kumi/Tomi AoyamaK: This JIP in a strange way, they do all the ring introductions then just when the match is about to start it skips ahead into the match already in progress. This gets very chaotic very quickly. They’re brawling on the outside and a moment I really liked was just the way Jackie smashes Yumi’s head ...2024Click for news about Yumi Ikeshita
• 70s Joshi on Wednesday: Ripper! Kayama!
12. 1979.01.XX1 - 02 Lucy Kayama vs. Monster RipperK: They get over the psychology of this match at the start by having Monster act like a clumsy oaf just throwing herself at Lucy, missing the first couple of times as Lucy was able to move out of the way or use her skills to turn Monster’s momentum into a throw. Monster quickly takes over after this, showing that her power is too much for Lucy’s s...2024Click for news about Lucy Kayama
• 70s Joshi on Wednesday: New Footage Wednesday? Beauty Pair vs Queen Angels!
1978.12.XX - Jackie Sato & Maki Ueda vs. Lucy Kayama & Tomi Aoyama (WWWA Tag Team Titles)K: Queen Angels are the defending champions here. To call this "action-packed" would be an understatement. The match begins virtually immediately with Tomi throwing Jackie straight out of the ring and then beating her up on the outside as the crowd screams their heads off. If the purpose was to establish that ...2024Visit the page Maki Ueda
Top Tomi Aoyama news
• 70s Joshi on Wednesday: Jackie! Tomi! Kumano! Ikeshita!
2025Continue with Jackie Sato
• 70s Joshi on Wednesday: Jackie! Lucy! Tomi! Ikeshita! Masami! Komine!
2025Visit the page Yumi Ikeshita
• 70s Joshi on Wednesday: Queen Angels! Black Pair!
2024See more Black Pair
• 70s Joshi on Wednesday: Nancy! Tomi! Kumano! Ripper!
2024Visit the page Mami Kumano
• 70s Joshi on Wednesday: Jackie! Lucy! Tomi! Ripper! Kumano! Ikeshita!
2024Visit the page Mami Kumano
• 70s Joshi on Wednesday: Jackie! Nancy! Tomi! Kumano! Petrelli! Ikeshita! JACKIE!
2024Visit the page Jackie Sato
• 70s Joshi on Wednesday: Ripper! Lucy!
2024See more articles Lucy Kayama
• 70s Joshi on Wednesday: Charito! Kumano! Marina! Lucky! Maki! Tomi!
2024Click for news about Lucy Kayama
Wrestling Fame Ranking
- 1. WWE Raw
- 2. WWE NXT
- 3. WWE SmackDown
- . . .
- 3078. Tomi Aoyama
Tomi Aoyama schedule, game
• 70s Joshi on Wednesday: Jackie! Lucy! Tomi! Ikeshita! Masami! Komine!
2025Visit the page Yumi Ikeshita
• 70s Joshi on Wednesday: Queen Angels! Black Pair!
2024Check it out Black Pair
• 70s Joshi on Wednesday: Jackie! Nancy! Tomi! Kumano! Petrelli! Ikeshita! JACKIE!
2024Read about Jackie Sato
• 70s Joshi on Wednesday: Charito! Kumano! Ikeshita! Jackie! Nancy! Tomi!
2024See more articles Yumi Ikeshita
• 70s Joshi on Wednesday: New Footage Wednesday? Beauty Pair vs Queen Angels!
2024See more articles Maki Ueda
• 70's Joshi on Wednesday: Akagi! Ikeshita! Kumi! Fujimi!
8. 1978.09.XX - 02 Mariko Akagi & Yumi Ikeshita vs. Nancy Kumi & Victoria Fujimi (2/3 Falls, probably September)K: Nancy Kumi and Victoria Fujimi are the ‘Golden Pair’ and would have been WWWA Tag Team Champions shortly before this match. They had some acclaimed matches with Queen Angels (Lucy Kayama & Tomi Aoyama) earlier in 1978, you can see about 3 and a half minutes of one of them in this vide...2024See also Yumi Ikeshita
• 70's Joshi on Wednesday: Kayama! Yokota!
2024See also Lucy Kayama
Tomi Aoyama rumors, scandals
• 70s Joshi on Wednesday: Ripper! Lucy!
2024See more articles Lucy Kayama scandal