Pat McNeill rumors, news
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Pat McNeill news, rumors
• FREE PODCAST 3/23 – PWTorch Dailycast – Best of PWTorch Livecast: (3-25-2015) Interview with ex-WWE wrestler Trevor Murdoch plus WrestleMania 31 final hype (103 min.)SHOW SUMMARY: Today we jump back ten years (3-25-2015) to our PWTorch Livecast featuring host Pat McNeill interviewing former WWE tag champion Trevor Murdoch with live callers and emailers. Plus, the final discussion before WrestleMania. In [...]...2025Read about Trevor Murdoch
• VIP PODCAST 3/21 – VIP Vault – 18 Yrs Ago (3-22-2007): Real Deal with Pat McNeill discusses Vince McMahon talking about steroid controversy, Raw returning to MSG, ROH, TNA, more (31 min.)SHOW SUMMARY: This installment of the PWTorch VIP Vault jumps back to the Real Deal with Pat McNeill from Mar. 22, 2007 including these topics: Vince McMahon talks about the steroid controversy Rumors about You Know [...]...2025See more articles Vince McMahon latest news
• VIP PODCAST 3/17 – VIP Vault – 18 Yrs Ago (3-18-2007): WrestleMania V Retro Roundtable – Early context and insider insights including Hogan vs. Savage history, some of worst WM matches ever (63 min.)SHOW SUMMARY: This installment of the PWTorch VIP Vault jumps back to the WrestleMania V Retro Roundtable from March 18, 2007. PWTorch editor Wade Keller and PWTorch columnists Bruce Mitchell and Pat McNeill discuss WrestleMania V [...]...2025Continue with Yrs Ago
• VIP PODCAST 3/14 – VIP Vault – 18 Yrs Ago (3-15-2007): Real Deal with Pat McNeill discusses WWE combining their split-brand PPVs, Melina heat with other Divas, more (30 min.)SHOW SUMMARY: This installment of the PWTorch VIP Vault jumps back to the Real Deal with Pat McNeill from Mar. 15, 2007 including these topics: WWE combines their split brand pay-per-views Fight in the crowd during [...]...2025Continue with Yrs Ago
• VIP PODCAST 3/10 – VIP Vault – 18 Yrs Ago (3-10-2007): TNA Against All Odds PPV Roundtable including Christian vs. Kurt Angle for NWA Title, Sting, Styles, Sabin, Lance Hoyt, Team 3D, more (45 min.)SHOW SUMMARY: This installment of the PWTorch VIP Vault jumps back to our TNA Against All Odds PPV PPV Roundtable from March 11, 2007. PWTorch’s Bruce Mitchell, Pat McNeill, and James Caldwell discussed the entire event [...]...2025Visit the page Yrs Ago
• VIP PODCAST 3/7 – VIP Vault – 18 Yrs Ago (3-8-2007): Real Deal with Pat McNeill discusses hot five stories, Jake teeth getting knocked out, Fairplay previews TNA PPV, Hogan Question of Week (43 min.)SHOW SUMMARY: This installment of the PWTorch VIP Vault jumps back to the Real Deal with Pat McNeill from Mar. 8, 2007 including Hot Five Stories of the Week, answers to Listener Mail questions, the Indy [...]...2025Continue with Yrs Ago
Pat McNeill injury and suspension
• VIP PODCAST 1/11 – VIP Podcast Vault – 18 Yrs Ago (1-11-2007): Real Deal with Pat McNeill talks Triple H’s quad injury, Gret Hart, ROH Motor City Madness, Brad Armstrong, more (30 min.)SHOW SUMMARY: This installment of the PWTorch VIP Vault jumps back to the Real Deal with Pat McNeill from Jan. 11, 2007. Pat’s listeners checked in with their post-quad injury predictions for the 2007 Royal Rumble. [...]...2025See more Royal Rumble injuries
• VIP PODCAST 1/7 – VIP Vault – 18 Yrs Ago (1-7-2007): WWE New Year’s Revolution PPV Roundtable discussing Triple H’s injury in DX vs. Rated RKO match, Cena vs. Umaga, more (43 min.)SHOW SUMMARY: This installment of the PWTorch VIP Vault jumps back to our WWE New Year’s Revolution PPV PPV Roundtable from Jan. 7, 2007. PWTorch columnists Pat McNeill and Bruce Mitchell joined PWTorch editor Wade Keller [...]...2025Visit the page Yrs Ago
• VIP AUDIO 4/15 – VIP Podcast Vault – 18 Yrs Ago (4-11-2006): Real Deal with Pat McNeill with guest Lance Storm, TNA’s move to Thursdays, injuries, KORT, more (47 min.)SHOW SUMMARY: This installment of the PWTorch VIP Vault jumps back to the Real Deal with Pat McNeill from April 11, 2006. SPECIAL GUEST… Lance Storm joins Pat on the Newsmaker Hotline to discuss his [...]...2024Continue with VIP Podcast Vault
• VIP AUDIO 7/8 – VIP Podcast Vault – 18 Yrs Ago (7-2-2005) – The Real Deal: Hot Five Stories of the Week including Caldwell becoming Torch columnist, Punk finishing up in ROH, Hardy, A.J. Styles, Home Video Marketing crashing (67 min.)SHOW SUMMARY: This installment of the PWTorch VIP Vault jumps back to the July 2, 2005 episode of “The Real Deal with Pat McNeill” featuring these topics: New Question of the Week on TNA television deal [...]...2023See more articles VIP Podcast Vault
- 2025
"Wade Keller was joined by PWTorch columnist Pat McNeill talk about emerging stars in TNA and WWE, [." - 2024
"PWTorch editor Wade Keller and PWTorch columnists Bruce Mitchell and Pat McNeill discuss the second [." - 2023
"SHOW SUMMARY: This installment of the PWTorch VIP Vault jumps back to the May 21, 2005 episode of “The Real Deal with Pat McNeill” featuring these topics: New Question of the Week on promotions who deserve [."
Pat McNeill stats and results
• VIP PODCAST 3/1 – VIP Vault – 18 Yrs Ago (3-1-2007): Real Deal with Pat McNeill talks with Bruce Mitchell about the latest big ROH DVD release, plus news, mailbag (41 min.)SHOW SUMMARY: This installment of the PWTorch VIP Vault jumps back to the Real Deal with Pat McNeill from Mar. 1, 2007 including the Hot Five Stories of the Week, Question of the Week results, answers [...]...2025See also Yrs Ago
Top Pat McNeill news
• FREE PODCAST 1/4 – WKPWP 15 Yrs Ago Live Call-In Show: Keller & McNeill talk about future main event prospects pros and cons, WWE-TNA 2009 comparison, live callers, NFL playoffs (96 min.)SHOW SUMMARY: Today we jump back to another early episode of the PWTorch Livecast from 15 Years Ago (1-13-2010). Wade Keller was joined by PWTorch columnist Pat McNeill talk about emerging stars in TNA and WWE, [...]...2025Check it out PWTorch Livecast
• FREE PODCAST 12/7 – WKPWP Interview Classic (10 Yrs Ago): Kyle O’Reilly talks his future, what he wanted to improve on, training, what era he’d best fit in (98 min.)SHOW SUMMARY: In this week’s Interview Classic episode from ten years ago (12-3-2014), Pat McNeill interviewed ROH tag champion/PWG champion Kyle O’Reilly with live calls and emails. O’Reilly talked about whether he ever was in a [...]...2024See more articles Yrs Ago
• FREE PODCAST 9/29 – PWTorch Dailycast – Best of PWTorch Livecast: (9-24-2014) Disco Inferno Interview on Monday Night War Era including WCW Nitro stories, more (111 min.)SHOW SUMMARY: Today we jump back ten years (9-24-2014) to a PWTorch Livecast with host Pat McNeill interviewing former WCW star Disco Inferno with insights into the Monday Night War and backstage WCW stories. Plus, in [...]...2024See more Monday Night
• VIP AUDIO 3/27 – VIP Podcast Vault – 18 Yrs Ago (3-26-2006): WrestleMania 2 Retro Roundtable – Early context and insider insights on WWF Title tournament and full line-up of the three-city super show (81 min.)SHOW SUMMARY: This installment of the PWTorch VIP Vault jumps back to the WrestleMania 2 Retro Roundtable from March 26, 2006. PWTorch editor Wade Keller and PWTorch columnists Bruce Mitchell and Pat McNeill discuss the second [...]...2024See more VIP Podcast Vault
• FREE PODCAST 3/23 – PWTorch Dailycast – Best of PWTorch Livecast: (3-25-2015) Interview with ex-WWE wrestler Trevor Murdoch plus WrestleMania 31 final hype (103 min.)
2025Visit the page Trevor Murdoch
• VIP PODCAST 3/21 – VIP Vault – 18 Yrs Ago (3-22-2007): Real Deal with Pat McNeill discusses Vince McMahon talking about steroid controversy, Raw returning to MSG, ROH, TNA, more (31 min.)
2025Read about Vince McMahon
• VIP PODCAST 3/17 – VIP Vault – 18 Yrs Ago (3-18-2007): WrestleMania V Retro Roundtable – Early context and insider insights including Hogan vs. Savage history, some of worst WM matches ever (63 min.)
2025Check it out Yrs Ago
• VIP PODCAST 3/14 – VIP Vault – 18 Yrs Ago (3-15-2007): Real Deal with Pat McNeill discusses WWE combining their split-brand PPVs, Melina heat with other Divas, more (30 min.)
2025Read about Yrs Ago
Football Fame Ranking
- 1. Super Bowl
- 2. NFL Draft
- 3. Dallas Cowboys
- . . .
- 522. Pat McNeill
Pat McNeill schedule, game
• FREE PODCAST 1/4 – WKPWP 15 Yrs Ago Live Call-In Show: Keller & McNeill talk about future main event prospects pros and cons, WWE-TNA 2009 comparison, live callers, NFL playoffs (96 min.)
2025Read about PWTorch Livecast
• FREE PODCAST 12/7 – WKPWP Interview Classic (10 Yrs Ago): Kyle O’Reilly talks his future, what he wanted to improve on, training, what era he’d best fit in (98 min.)
2024Continue with Yrs Ago
Pat McNeill rumors, scandals
• VIP AUDIO 2/24 – VIP Podcast Vault – 18 Yrs Ago (2-22-2007): Real Deal with Pat McNeill with WrestleMania 23 speculation, Indy Line-up of the Week, Latest News, Listener Mail (34 min.)SHOW SUMMARY: This installment of the PWTorch VIP Vault jumps back to the Real Deal with Pat McNeill from Feb. 22, 2007 including the Hot Hot Hot Five Stories of the Week, Question of the [...]...2025Visit the page VIP Podcast Vault