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Pitching Institute news, rumors
• Emphasis on InterconnectednessStarting Position -> Front Leg Lift -> Lower Body Activity -> Target highlights how each step builds upon the previous one, emphasizing the importance of a coordinated movement. It directly links lower body mechanics to the goal: sending the ball to the target and underscores the significance of even minor adjustments in mechanics, emphasizing that precision matters. Warning about Negat...2025See more articles Starting Position latest news
• A Way to Optimize Upper Body MechanicsShoulders Promote Your Lower Body The core of the kinetic chain doesn't work in isolation. Movements in one area influence movements in others. In sequence, the glove hand, shoulders, and lower body reacting is a great way to visualize this and highlights how a stable upper body can set the stage for efficient lower body engagement. The glove hand triggers shoulder movement, which explains how ...2025Read about Lower Body
• The Crucial Role Of The Lower BodyThe lower body's engagement is not an independent action but a natural reaction to a kinetic chain timing of the ball's release and the upper body's movements. The Glove Hand Action Your Glove Hand turns over to initiate torso rotation, create separation between the upper and lower body, and stabilize the upper body. When correctly executed, the ball's trajectory aligns with the intended target...2025See more articles Lower Body
• Lower Body Engagement as a Natural ResponseLower body involvement is a natural consequence of proper upper body movements and ball location. Your Front Leg puts your Glove Hand in a position to control your motion. The front leg's landing creates a foundation, initiates the upper body's control, and sets the stage for the upper body to start the throwing motion. Your Glove Hand goes palm up at the right time. A key component in startin...2025See more articles Lower Body
• Front Knee In Front Of Front HipWith the knee staying in front of the hip, the knee promotes a more efficient and biomechanically sound throwing motion leading to better overall performance and reduced injury risk. "Step and Throw" "Step and Throw" emphasizes proprioceptive balance. Maintaining control throughout the motion allows for better integration of the lower body. This leads to improved command, velocity, and consist...2025See also Lower Body
• Better Command? It Starts With Your Back KneeWant to throw strikes consistently? It's simpler than you think: your back knee. Your back knee behind your back foot keeps your weight back, makes your throwing motion natural, and channels your lower body's energy straight to the target. Check Your Back Knee! Tired of wild pitches and missed targets? You're not alone. Many pitchers struggle with command, and a common culprit is their ba...2025
Pitching Institute injury and suspension
• Front Knee In Front Of Front Hip
2025Read about Lower Body
• Front Shoulders Prompt Your StrideThe front shoulder initiates the forward movement of your lower body (stride). Pulls Your Body Towards The Plate When the shoulders drive the movement, it creates a more consistent, repeatable throwing motion which leads to better command and control of your pitches. By engaging the core and upper body first, you generate more power and velocity on your pitches. A shoulder-dominant motio...2025
• Mastering Balance and Pitching MechanicsExplore the importance of maintaining a balanced stance with your heels close together for effective pitching and the role of the glove hand in guiding the ball toward the target. A balanced stance is fundamental for effective pitching. Keeping your heels close together to maintain a stable base and ensure your weight is evenly distributed between both feet keeps your body balanced. By keeping...2024
• Organized Motions - Shoulder AlignmentThe Importance of Proper Shoulder Alignment. Aligned shoulders provide a direct path to the target, enhancing accuracy and command. Proper shoulder rotation allows for the energy from your hips to go through your core and your throwing arm. The increased torque from your body contributes to optimal velocity. Misaligned shoulders lead to overuse injuries such as shoulder impingement, rota...2024
- 2025
"Coach Skip Fast “Pitchers: Get the Lower Body Involved©” Pro Pitching Institute https://propitchinginginstitute." - 2024
"The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you the best “Pitching Process” on every motion that gets your pitch to your target with uncanny regularity, or your instruction is free … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings." - 2023
"The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you to manage your Throwing Action, or your instruction is free … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings."
Pitching Institute trade rumors, contract, salary rumors
• Emphasis on Interconnectedness
2025Check it out Starting Position
• A Way to Optimize Upper Body Mechanics
2025See also Lower Body
• The Crucial Role Of The Lower Body
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• Lower Body Engagement as a Natural Response
2025Check it out Lower Body
• Front Knee In Front Of Front Hip
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• Better Command? It Starts With Your Back Knee
• Front Knee Position: Setting the Stage for SuccessThe position of your front knee at the start of your delivery is crucial for balance, power, and accuracy. Front Knee Behind the Front Hip: The Reactive Approach Starting with your front knee behind your front hip often leads to a reactive delivery. Your body is constantly trying to catch up to your weight. Because you're reacting, your delivery becomes less consistent, you're likely to have v...2025
• A Simple Way to Improve CommandFront Foot Wider Than Your Shoulders Your front foot wider than your shoulders leads to the front knee naturally drifting behind the front hip during the leg lift. Your feet wider than your shoulders create an unstable and unbalanced position, reducing control over the pitch. You will likely "fly open" or have difficulty repeating a consistent release point. Feet One Baseball Width Apa...2025
• The Misconception Of Arm Dominance In CommandComplicated Command Many pitchers overthink their arm action, believing it solely dictates where the ball goes. This over-reliance on the arm leads to inconsistent release points and poor command. The throwing arm plays a role, but it's more of a facilitator than the primary driver of location. The Importance Of A Strong Foundation Starting with the weight over the back foot allows fo...2025
• Wide Feet Cause IssuesThe Problem When you stand with your feet too far apart, it leads to several problems. Your instinct places your front knee behind the front hip. Your glove hand is used for balance and nothing else. Due to a less stable base and inconsistent release point, your accuracy suffers. The Solution The solution involves bringing the feet closer together. Your instincts align your front knee...2025
Pitching Institute stats and results
• Emphasis on Interconnectedness
2025See also Starting Position
• The Crucial Role Of The Lower Body
2025See more Lower Body
• Front Knee Position: Setting the Stage for Success
• The Misconception Of Arm Dominance In Command
• Mastering the Balanced Pitch: A Step-by-Step GuideAchieving consistent accuracy in pitching requires a well-balanced and coordinated motion. The importance of maintaining a balanced stance with your weight over your back foot throughout the pitching motion produces an accurate delivery. Starting Position To maintain your weight primarily over your back foot, ensure your back foot is slightly to the second base side of your back foot, your fr...2024See also Starting Position stats
• Foot Positioning Promotes LocationThe front foot is critical in achieving consistent location in your throws. Improper Timing Starting with your front foot too far forward ahead of your hip means, to compensate with an exaggerated stride to shift your weight forward, you disrupt the throwing rhythm and make it challenging to locate the pitch. Better Direction A balanced stance, having your front foot even with your back ...2024
• Level Hips Promote Good ResultsThe Cause: Uneven hips happen when your front heel is placed more than a baseball width away from your back heel. Your positioning causes your front leg to naturally swing behind your front hip as you lift it and your position tilts your hips. The Effect: You can only throw effectively with level hips. To achieve the level position needed for an accurate throw, uneven hips force your ...2024
• Narrow Footwork Builds CommandFootwork plays a crucial role in setting the stage for good glove work and exceptional command. Wide Footwork and Balance Issues When your foot distance is too wide, most of your weight stays on your back foot. Your throwing arm "pulls" you forward to maintain balance and takes away focus from controlling the throw. With your arm busy with balance, your glove work becomes reactive rather ...2024
• Your Shoulders Promote Location!Your Shoulders stay in synch with your Hips. When your Hips are online, your Shoulders are also on the target line. Poor Posture Your Foot being too far apart causes your Front Knee to behind your Front Hip. When you begin your delivery with your Front Knee behind your Front Hip, your Shoulders fall out of line with the target. To get your Shoulders back in line, your Front Leg points t...2024
• Your Glove Hand Needs Involvement!When your body is in balance Your Glove Hand naturally gets involved. Glove Hand Under Arm Pit Your Front Knee going behind your Front Hip means your Front Leg Lift naturally balances your weight over your Back Leg. To move from this position, a forward weight shift brings you into your Throwing Action but also causes you to lose your Lower Body. Your Lower Body is not involved means you...2024See more articles Throwing Hand scores
Pitching Institute parents, kids, wife / husband, girlfriend / boyfriend
• The Crucial Role Of The Lower Body
2025Continue with Lower Body
• Mastering the Balanced Pitch: A Step-by-Step Guide
2024See more Starting Position
• Organized Motions – Proper Foot StrikesNot “Foot Strike, Then Throw” … In your Starting Position, your Front Hip finishes behind back leg, your Body fights gravity, and you lose control of the ball. Your weight shifts forward causing your throwing action. You hit your foot strike, and your weight initiating your throwing action sends the ball to a larger target area. … But “Foot Strike, And Throw” In your Starting Position, your ...2024Read about Starting Position
Top Pitching Institute news
• Emphasis on Interconnectedness
2025Check it out Starting Position
• A Way to Optimize Upper Body Mechanics
2025Continue with Lower Body
• The Crucial Role Of The Lower Body
2025See more Lower Body
• Lower Body Engagement as a Natural Response
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• Front Knee In Front Of Front Hip
2025Click for news about Lower Body
• Better Command? It Starts With Your Back Knee
• Front Knee Position: Setting the Stage for Success
• A Simple Way to Improve Command
Baseball Fame Ranking
- 1. White Sox
- 2. World Series
- 3. Red Sox
- . . .
- 3136. Pitching Institute
Pitching Institute schedule, game
• Emphasis on Interconnectedness
2025Read about Starting Position
• Lower Body Engagement as a Natural Response
2025Continue with Lower Body
• Organized Motions – BalanceFinding your target with uncanny regularity comes from being “in balance” or starting your motion with your Front Knee in front of your Front Hip. Your Body is Always Getting “In Balance” The instant you’re “out of balance” becomes the instant your Body makes adjustments. What should happen. 1. Your Glove Arm triggers your Lower Body. 2. Your Throwing Action ...2024See more articles Throwing Hand
• Organized Motions – Proper Foot Strikes
2024Check it out Starting Position
• Level Hips Promote Good Results
• Your Glove Hand and LocationPreliminaries Your starting position impacts your glove hand movement, and your glove hand impacts your pitch location. No Glove Hand Movement When you begin your delivery with your front hip behind your back hip, your glove hand reacts to your movements and takes on a path of its own. From your initial movement to your throwing action, your glove hand balances your motion. Your ...2024See more articles Starting Position
• The Desired “Pitching Process” You’re Searching ForFinding your target with uncanny regularity comes from being “in balance” or starting your motion with your Front Knee in front of your Front Hip. Your Front Knee getting behind your Front Hip is an “out of balance” position, not an “in balance” motion. Your Body is Always Getting “In Balance” Your Body always does several natural things to get back to “in balance”. The instant you’...2023See more articles Throwing Hand
• Hips, Glove Work, and CommandCause for Uneven HipsUneven Hips arise from your Front and Back Heels starting too far apart.When your Front Heel is more than one baseball width from your Back Heel, your Hips end up uneven.With your Heels too far apart, when you lift your Front Leg, your Front Leg naturally goes behind your Front Hip and tilts your Hips.Uneven HipsYou can only throw the ball when your Hips are level.Your H...2023